Say it with me, people: SEER-uhl OH-bee-ah-ZER. Don't let the name be a hindrance to getting to know this new Green Bay Packers player. The NFL has a handful of players with Nigerian roots who are now instrumental members of top teams. For example, Adewale Ogunleye (Chicago Bears), Amobi Okoye (Houston Texans) and Osi Umenyiora (New York Giants) all have Nigerian ties and they are just three of the most well-known Nigerian NFL players.

As far as Cyril Obiozor is concerned, he never lived in Nigeria, but both of his parents were born in that country. The Green Bay Packers may seem to be a world removed from Nigeria. If it's been years since geography class, here's a handy map locating Nigeria. It's the home to world-famous author Chinua Achebe, the musician Seal, writer Wole Soyinka, and rapper Nas among others.
I'm not sure why Nigeria in particular keeps producing so many popular Western figures, but they're on to something. And the Green Bay Packers roster is better off because of it!
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