As far as the shorts, I think they're an appropriate length. We don't have the massive bagginess of XXXXXXXXL basketball pant-shorts and we don't have the nasty speedo-esque briefs of a cross country runner. Just a slight-above-the-kneecap pair in a tasteful navy blue.
Something else that draws me to this picture is Danny Lansanah's use of crisp white gloves. They look really sharp! Danny Lansanah may have picked them because they come in handy for his linebacker duties on the Green Bay Packers, but I pick them because they look intense! I might want to slip on a pair for my next jog.
I was a bit uncertain about the socks. Strike one--they're black socks. But, I think he pulls it off. Standard sock length back in my day was halfway up the calf. But I see that Danny Lansanah is sticking with the current times and keeping it low. Keeping it real. I like it.
Of course, the outfit could be improved if it were in Green Bay Packers green and yellow, but he sure earns points for coordinating with the blue mats at the bottom and in the background of the picture. I'm sure he tried that, right?
Lightbulb moment! Maybe pro-athletes would LIKE someone to coordinate their workout clothes?! Could I be hired for this? Official title: Personal Shopper for Training Clothes of all members of the Green Bay Packers roster. This could be a whole industry. Time to start researching!