Have you heard about the latest love interest of Green Bay Packers tackle/guard Allen Barbre? There are actually two in his life (oh, the drama!) and they are quite a few years older than this 26 year old athlete.
Let me then introduce you to Chevelle and Camaro....
That's right. Allen Barbre is in love with Chevy classic cars! He enjoys reading about and seeing these old beauts at car shows and in magazines and hopes to own one someday.
Since he still needs to jump in and make the purchase, I'm sure he'd appreciate your feedback. (And I'm also sure he reads this blog religiously. Hi ya, Allen!) Cast your vote, Green Bay Packers fans! Which car suits Allen Barbre best?
Red hot Camaro action:

The saucy Chevelle:

Don't delay! Cast your votes today!
I love to rhyme. All of the time.
muscle cars are where its at